Saturday, November 20, 2010

Semblance of a Real Place

Remember that wetted and warped hardwood floor in the proto-library? It's all fixed now as you can see. The truck is back from Crown Collision looking good as new. Phase II will be to actually put in the library shelving and a small bar/tea station, but, hey this is okay for now.

Remembrance Day

Nov. 11, the scaffolding is down, and for the first time since mid-June, we have been able to park in our driveway. We couldn't be happier with the colour and with the wonderful job that Sunset Stucco has done. Flashings, soffits, and eavestroughs yet to come.

Suddenly a Break in the Weather

Woohoo! A flurry of activity and the stucco-ing is drawing to a close. Look, the green garbage bin is gone. A hit-and-run backed into our red pickup while it was parked on the street, scraping and denting the driver's side door. Sigh... something else to fix. But still, the house looks great.

Oh No! Snow.

October 31, Hallowe'en, and the first snow fall has arrived -- well just a dusting, but still. The weather has turned against us and some days are going by now with little progress on the exterior. The west (left) side of the house has been tarped again to help move things along.


The stucco guys are working hard. After having spent some time driving about looking at stucco'd houses and painstakingly finally choosing the house colour, the first guys who were going to do the stucco (and didn't) lost the colour chip so we started all over again. There was then some confusion about what colours were 'designer' (and would therefore take a really long time to arrive) and what were 'standard'. We finally went with what we think (but still aren't sure) is a standard colour. Actually, Richard took about 5 seconds looking at two chips that were shown to us on the way to work one day and pointed to the colour that you see. It looks brilliant next to the brightly coloured trees of fall. On-the-fly decisions sometimes work like a charm!